Various projects of IIchan eroge team

During the development of Everlasting Summer I have participated in some minor projects like UVAO Project (aka UVAO Forever) and Wintertale

UVAO Project

New Year’s eve VN about catgirls :3

The compilation has 4 tracks:

  1. Sergey Eybog - uvao 2 theme 2
  2. Sergey Eybog - uvao 2 theme 1
  3. Between August and December - Ordinary Monrning in the Barely Lit House
  4. Between August and December - Helion


Kinetic VN about Semyon’s (protagonist of Everlasting Summer) New Year’s eve in the Sovyonok.

The compilation has 3 tracks:

  1. Sergey Eybog - I Tried to Bring it Back
  2. Sergey Eybog - Reminiscence
  3. Between August and December - Mitsuketa